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Labor Law Updates

Strengthen Your Defense Against a Department of Labor (DOL) Investigation

One employee complaint. That’s all it takes to trigger a Department of Labor (DOL) investigation. And in most cases, those investigations are due to questionable time and pay practices. There are explicit rules regarding minimum wage, overtime pay, exemption classification and recordkeeping under the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) — and the DOL will step in if the rules are violated.

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Is Your Business Among the 30+ States Now Requiring Human Trafficking Posters?

Human trafficking involves the exploitation of individuals for labor or commercial sex through force, fraud or coercion, typically affecting vulnerable populations of women, children, migrants and marginalized communities

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Independent Contractor vs. Employee: Find Your Ideal Fit and Follow the Classification Rules

The decision to use an independent contractor vs. hiring an employee is no longer just a matter of convenience: it’s a strategic choice that can impact your business. Ultimately, your decision will depend on your business priorities, your cash flow and the type of relationship you intend to maintain.

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New EEOC Strategic Plan Takes Stronger Aim at Preventing Employment Discrimination

The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) – the federal agency responsible for enforcing anti-discrimination laws in the workplace – recently released a draft of its Strategic Plan for Fiscal Years 2022-2026. It’s currently under review and subject to approval before being finalized. Let’s take a closer look at what the plan entails — and what you can do to strengthen your anti-discriminatory hiring and employee management practices for the years ahead.

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What’s Behind the Spike in Pay-Related FLSA Lawsuits – and Practical Tactics for Protecting Your Business

Would it surprise you to learn that Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) lawsuits are at an all-time high? Much of this trend is due to unique and ongoing changes in the workplace, as well as new initiatives by the Department of Labor (DOL). As employers continue to adapt to hiring and staffing challenges, they need to be certain they’re paying remote workers for all hours worked, not misclassifying independent contractors who should be treated as employees, and upholding the latest minimum wage and overtime pay requirements for non-exempt employees.

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