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Canada Labor Law Posters

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Poster Guard® Poster Compliance Service for Canadian Employers


 Labor Law Posters for Canadian Employers

Poster Guard Poster Compliance Service for Canadian Employers gets your Canadian locations up to date with the required provincial labor law postings and keeps it that way for an entire year. You'll receive your posters right away, plus a full year of automatic replacements at no additional charge whenever a mandatory change occurs.

Enjoy year-round peace of mind with our 100% Compliance Guarantee.


Poster Guard® Remote Worker E-Service - Canada


Remote Worker E-Service Postings for Canadian Employers

Poster Guard® Remote Worker E-Service for Canadian Employers delivers mandatory Canadian provincial postings via email to employees who do not frequent facilities where physical postings are displayed. Employees view the postings online and receive email updates every time a mandatory change occurs. Receipt acknowledgments are tracked for easy verification. Ideal for field salespeople, home-based workers, virtual work teams and other remote workers with internet access.

Digital solutions are not a replacement for full-size labor law posters in workplaces where physical posters should be displayed.


Poster Guard® Binder Service for Canadian Employers


A Legally Compliant Alternative for Canadian Workplaces Without Walls

Poster Guard® Binder Service for Canadian Employers features full-color labor law posters in a durable binder for easy viewing and storage in work environments without wall space. This compact solution covers all mandatory Canadian provincial postings and includes 12 months of automatic replacements every time a mandatory change occurs. Perfect for mall kiosks, construction trailers, mobile work units, valet stations and other worksites without walls.

Does not satisfy requirements for standard work environments (offices, warehouses, retail sites) and is not a substitute for full-sized posters for your facilities with walls.


For employers who operate businesses in Canada, we offer fully compliant Canadian labor law posters with automatic updates whenever a mandatory change occurs. Our Canada labor law posters are available in both English and French. This is an expanded feature to our U.S. poster replacement service.


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