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March 6, 2025 Illinois Veterans Benefits
The Illinois Veterans Benefits and Services poster has been released by the Illinois Department of Veterans Affairs. A new law requires employers to display a poster in a conspicuous place, accessible to employees in the workplace, which includes information on benefits and services available to veterans. Order Updated Poster >
March 4, 2025 Massachusetts Veterans Benefits
The Massachusetts Veterans Benefits and Services poster has been updated to reflect reformatting and the inclusion of contact information for various resources and agencies for veterans, such as services related to mental health, education, training, legal assistance, unemployment, and benefits advising. Order Updated Poster >
March 3, 2025 Michigan Minimum Wage
The Michigan Minimum Wage poster has been updated to reflect a new law. The new law accelerates the minimum wage from $12.48 per hour to $13.73 per hour effective January 1, 2026, and to $15.00 per hour effective January 1, 2027. The new law also increases the tipped minimum hourly wage from the current 38% to 50% by January 1, 2031, and adds a possible $2,500 fine for violating the tipped minimum hourly wage provisions. Order Updated Poster >
March 3, 2025 Michigan Earned Sick Time Act
The Michigan Earned Sick Time Act poster has been updated to reflect a new law. A new law revises the definition of small business from fewer than 10 employees to 10 or fewer employees, clarifies that employers may cap usage and carryover of accrued paid leave at 72 hours per year, or at 40 hours per year if they are a small business and allows newly hired employees to be subject to a 120 day wait period to use accrued earned sick time. Employers are also required to post the notice in English and Spanish. Like the English version, the newly added Spanish version also contains a field requiring employer-specific information. Order Updated Poster >
February 14, 2025 Nevada OSHA
The Nevada OSHA poster has been updated to reflect new mandatory penalty amounts for each serious violation, non-serious violation, and daily penalty for failing to correct a violation. Order Updated Poster >
February 13, 2025 Virginia Earned Income Tax Credit
The Virginia Earned Income Tax Credit poster has been updated to reflect the eligibility income limits for 2024. Order Updated Poster >
February 12, 2025 Connecticut Fair Employment
The Connecticut Fair Employment poster has been updated to reflect some new protected categories. The categories include alienage, domestic violence victim status, criminal conviction, and erased criminal history, which were added after several amendments to the Connecticut Human Rights Law. The poster also includes updated definitions for disability and retaliation, a QR Code for additional information, and was also reformatted. Order Updated Poster >
February 6, 2025 Alaska OSHA
The Alaska OSHA poster has been updated to reflect new mandatory penalty amounts for each serious violation, non-serious violation, and daily penalty for failing to correct a violation. Order Updated Poster >
February 5, 2025 Rhode Island Veterans Benefits and Services
The Rhode Island Veterans Benefits and Services poster has been released by the Rhode Island Department of Labor and Training. A new law requires employers to display a poster in a conspicuous place, accessible to employees in the workplace, which includes information on benefits and services available to veterans. Order Updated Poster >
January 19, 2025 Connecticut Minimum Wage - Administrative and Mercantile
The Connecticut Minimum Wage poster (Administrative, Mercantile and Restaurant/Hotel) has been updated to reflect an increase to the minimum wage. The minimum wage will increase from $15.69 per hour to $16.35 per hour effective January 1, 2025. Order Updated Poster >

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