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Labor Law Updates

Be Aware of The Rise in City and County Labor Law Posting Requirements

We talk a lot about federal and state labor law posting requirements at But did you know your posting responsibilities drill down even further to city and county levels? That’s right! Now, if you have business locations in certain cities or counties, you must display additional employee postings

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A Look Ahead at Potential Federal Contractor Posting Changes for 2016

Does your company have active government contracts or receive federal funding? If so, you have special employee posting requirements. In addition to the mandatory posters you must display under federal and state law, you’re responsible for up to 12 additional posters at each of your locations. Plus, we’re expecting a few new posting changes to be issued in the coming months.

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2015 in Review: Mandatory State Posting Changes Affecting Employers

2015 was an action-packed year for labor law posting changes – largely due to a sweep of state-level legal developments. Specifically, there were 64 mandatory labor law changes across 37 states.

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